Free Show
WUAG is putting together a free outdoor concert this Sunday evening. Magnolia Electric Co. is playing the Stone Lawn on the UNCG campus. That's an actual lawn and not some campus coffee bar or gravel pit. I liked the guy's voice in Songs: Ohia, but I don't know too much about the new band. It has one big thing going for it that other shows would be wise to emulate. I can go and still get home before midnight. I know you thought I was going to say free, but I've loaded my response to meet many criteria that merit a reasonable cover charge. First, it's in Greensboro. I don't like driving to Winston much less the places more than an hour from here. Second, it starts at 7:30. I have to get up w/ kids everyday. If I can get a solid 4 + 2 hours of sleep, I can make sure Desmond isn't wondering out in the woods by himself (or at least be conscious that he is and look out the window occasionally). Finally, it's on a night Maria isn't working. I have a hard time getting a baby sitter when I'm the only one going out. Maybe it would be easier on the grandmas, but I would have this whole guilt complex about leaving the wife at work while I went out and enjoyed listening to other people's sad songs. To me, all those things add up to a $5+ cover charge that I won't have to pay.
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