Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Izzy Update

I turned on the ceiling fans for the 1st time today. It's like 80 degrees here, and I just managed to turn the heat down from 72 yesterday (although I also got the gas bill yesterday so it wasn't just the outside temperature). Izabella is fascinated w/ those fans. She stared into the living room from her high chair looking at the blades spin while I fed her tonight. I put her on the bed in our room and she didn't try to roll off the bed. She just stared up at the fan. She didn't like the one in her room when I tried to leave her in her crib for a few minutes, but when I was carrying her out of there she seemed to notice it in a more positive light.

The most interesting part of her development now is watching her eyes change colors. Desmond's eyes are blue, so they didn't change. But baby girl is going to have hazel eyes like her daddy (I hope). It seems like a really slow process b/c of the days and weeks of cloudy eyes, so I can't say for sure. I did get an A in high school biology when we did genetics. That makes me somewhat qualified to say that they are changing from that bluish color that doesn't match Maria's to a nice hazel like her old man's. I'd put up pictures, but you really need to see it in person. She'll be making appearances at Harris Teeter Saturday morning at 11am for a soda buying and Sunday morning at the 9am in the Biscuitville drive thru. She will not leave her car seat during the Biscuitville appearance, however she will sign officially licensed Biscuitville merchandise for a limited time.


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