Excuse me, sir
I've been mistaken for a lot of things in my life, but I think I reached a new low this past weekend. The kids went to a birthday party at Pump It Up that started at 1 o'clock. I had other obligations and couldn't make it until closer to 2 o'clock. They do 2 parties at a time and at 2 o'clock they were bringing in 2 more parties. I just wandered through the waiting area and saw Desmond coming out of one of the party rooms so I went in and sat down for the adult supervision portion of the party. About 10 minutes later this young lady who works there walks up to me and asks "Excuse me, what is your connection to this party?" Luckily, Izzy and Maria were sitting next to me at that point so it wasn't too hard to explain that I was w/ them. I was kind of ok w/ it b/c they were being vigilant about keeping their parties safe. Still, Maria made sure to let the other parents know exactly what happened (and then laughed hysterically). And while I've been cultivating the undesirable look for about 25 years, that's not exactly the type I was going for. Hopefully this gives me an excuse to avoid all future birthday parties that fall during the NFL playoffs.
That's right.
9:54 PM
That's LOL funny. It reminds me of when I was pregnant with Johnny and due for a tour of the UNC birthing facilities. (Grace was born at Duke). I had some work or committee meeting and I made David go without me. Here he was, this strange man--by himeself--touring the birthing facility and people were definitely giving him the once over and thinking "Excuse me, Sir, what is your connection to this delivery ward?"
12:10 PM
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