Tuesday, May 01, 2007

You know that saying

You know, opinions are like assholes. The Virginia Tech tragedy has given me a new phrasing, people expressing their opinions are assholes. There's plenty of room for journalists to rehash the events, profile the victims, analyze the killer, or look at school shootings in general. The thing that irks me is opinion pieces that promote the author's opinion and use the tragedy as justification of that opinion. Ted Nugent blamed it on gun free zones while at the same time on CNN.com Tom Plate blamed it on guns. I think most people in this country would agree w/ either the point or the counterpoint, but other than friends and families of the victims few people formed that opinion b/c of what happened at Virginia Tech. These guys are just pushing their agenda when the opportunity arises, and if that opportunity happens to be 30+ dead people on a college campus so what. What a bunch of assholes.


Blogger Otto Man said...

Well said. Everyone should butt the fuck out of this tragedy, but the gun nuts are all over it.

Some nutjob was on CNN within hours of the shooting insisting that it never would've happened if all the students had been packing concealed weapons.

Yeah, let's give hormone-crazy, binge-drinking college students their own handguns. How on earth could that plan end badly?

11:47 AM


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