Tuesday, August 09, 2005

New cooking method

I decided to go to the Fresh Market today to buy corn on the cob, bananas, and apples. Their produce isn't any more expensive than Harris Teeter and I was at HT yesterday and didn't feel like going 2 days in a row. When I got there I realized that I also needed charcoal and was kind of dreading buying something other than meat or produce at the Fresh Market ($$$!). However, they had their own store brand of charcoal. It wasn't my usual Matchlight, but I didn't have much of a choice if I wanted to get home w/o making another stop. It was only $5 for a pretty big bag, and I have a bottle of zippo lighter fluid for charcoal that needs lighter fluid (and I guess a zippo if I ever had one and used it). The bag was pretty light and when I started dumping it into the grill, little pieces of black wood came tumbling out instead of the customary briquets. There was one piece that lit up pretty easily and that got the whole grill going. I don't know that the food tasted any better, but it was pretty cool to see little white ashes fly up when I opened the lid. Since I pretty much just use the grill to cook in the summer, I'll see if I still like it by the end of the week. That charcoal w/ the lighter fluid already added is pretty convenient, and I don't want to burn off any straggling hairs by getting to close to the inferno that is lighter fluid. Still, I have to eat, and charred animal flesh remains my preferred choice for dinner, so I guess I'll see how this stuff does.


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