Kid Stuff
I took the kids to Total Wine on Friday to get a 12 pack of Newcastle (for me not them). Somehow they were completely out of Newcastle, so I stood w/ them dumbfounded in the walk-in cooler looking at other kinds of beer. I finally settled on Yeungling. While we were waiting in line, Desmond announces that when he's older he's going to drink Newcastle and not Yeungling. The cashier agreed w/ him that Yeungling was cheap stuff and he needed the good stuff from across the pond. The guy in front of me buying 5 boxes of wine just nodded his head. There have been few times where I've been prouder to be his father. Until last night when we sat down for dinner, I opened one of those Yeunglings and he told me that when he was older I would have to buy the kind of beer he likes b/c he didn't want to have to go out and buy beer while he was watching the race. I tried to explain to him that you needed to buy your beer before the race starts, so you don't have to miss any of it. That's the kind of important fatherly advice I have to offer him.
In the interest of equal time, Izabella is doing well. She'll be 1 year old in a few weeks. You would think that her older brother would be the agitator in their relationship, but she loves to mess w/ him (pulling hair, pinching, trying to climb on him while he's on the couch). Desmond will push her down sometimes, but I think she'll end up tormenting him more in the long run. We usually tell Desmond that she's not old enough to understand things like he does, but I'm pretty sure she knows what she's doing when it comes to getting on his nerves.
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