Crop Walk
Maria, Desmond, Izabella, and I are going to participate in the Crop Walk this year on October 8th. I know you are shocked that I would do something other than watch the football or NASCAR on a Sunday afternoon, but this will raise money locally and internationally to help feed people who need a hand. Part of the money (25%) will go to Potter's House at Greensboro Urban Ministry and the rest will go to Church World Service to spread throughout the US and the rest of the world. If you would like to help us raise some money for these worthy causes, you can go here and make a tax deductible donation. Any amount is appreciated and thanks in advance.
I've now turned down free tickets to the Panthers game to participate in the Crop Walk. Surely, if I can sacrifice that you can part w/ $5.
4:46 PM
I'll go online and make a donation to you and your family. Why? Because I'm the sole organizer of this event for my church (but our walk is in the spring) of over 700 members...and I know exactly what it's like to recruit walkers and sponsors. Good Job!
9:24 AM
Thanks Sarah! I'll remember this in the spring.
4:13 PM
How was the Crop Walk? Last year after we walked in it, Grace kept talking about it at school the next day, and her teachers thought she was talking about the "Crab Walk."
11:52 AM
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